Results for 'Ham Sok Han'

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  1. We Must, But Cannot, Resort To Revolution.Ham Sok Han - 1986 - The Acorn 1 (1):16-20.
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  2. Ham Sŏk-hŏn sasang sok ŭi pip'anjŏk chaengchŏmdŭl : kaebyŏk, sowi t'obalchŏk sigak esŏ salp'ida.Yi Chŏng-bae - 2022 - In Kyŏng-sŏk Kang (ed.), Kaebyŏk ŭi sasangsa: Ch'oe Che-u esŏ Kim Su-yŏng kkaji, munmyŏng chŏnhwan'gi ŭi Han'guk sasang. Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Ch'angbi.
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    The Kingdom of Mind.Ham Sok Hon - 1986 - The Acorn 1 (2):8-8.
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    Two Poems.Ham Sok Hon - 1986 - The Acorn 1 (2):15-15.
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    Truth, God, the One Great Thing.Ham Sok Hon - 1988 - The Acorn 3 (1):8-9.
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    The Spirit of the Christian.Ham Sok Hon & Ha Foong Kim - 1990 - The Acorn 5 (1):15-18.
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    The Spirit of the Christian.Ham Sok Hon & Ha Poong Kim - 1990 - The Acorn 5 (1):15-18.
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  8. Kukka Iron Ŭi Kibon Kaenyŏmdŭl E Taehan Chuch'ejŏk Ihae.Sŏk-Pong Han - 2009 - Sahoe Kwahak Ch'ulp'ansa.
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    Ham Sok Hon's Ssial Cosmopolitan Vision.Song-Chong Lee - 2020 - Lexington Books.
    This book offers an introduction to the philosophy of Ham Sok Hon, an iconic figure in the intellectual and political history of modern Korea, and discusses the potential contribution of his ssial philosophy to cosmopolitanism.
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    Ham Sok Hon, A Biographical Sketch.Seok Choong Song - 1990 - The Acorn 5 (1):11-14.
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    Tong Asia sok Han'guk Pulgyo sasangga.Robert E. Buswell (ed.) - 2014 - Sŏul-si: Tongguk Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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    A Life-ethical Study on Life Philosophy of Ham Sok Hon.Yeong Shin Park - 2010 - Environmental Philosophy 9:29-55.
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    Den svenska modellen för nanoteknik – mer effektiv än reflexiv?Hans Fogelberg - 2008 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):53-71.
    Syftet med artikeln är att diskutera organiseringen av svensk nanoteknik och varför denna skiljer sig från de länder inom vilka det sker en mer sammanhållen aktörsmobilisering kring nanoteknik, och där tillväxtfokus i högre grad än i Sverige integreras med fokus på miljö och samhällsmässiga aspekter. Utvecklingen av svensk nanoteknik visar att vetenskaplig effektivitet inte nödvändigtvis betyder att frågor om innovation eller effekter av denna innovation också hanteras effektivt. Stora vetenskapsprogram drivs utan samordnande hantering av nanoteknik som innovationsobjekt. Forskning om miljö (...)
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    Ham Sŏk-hŏn sasangsa inmunhakchŏk ŭro ilki: Han'guk Kŭrisŭdogyo rŭl saeropke paraboda!Kyŏng-sŏn Yun - 2017 - Sŏul-si: Chisik kwa Kamsŏng.
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    Ham Sŏk-hŏn: chayu mank'ŭm sarang han p'yŏnghwa.Sŏng-su Kim - 2006 - Sŏul-si: Pom Namu. Edited by Ho-min Kim.
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    Ham Sŏk-hŏn kwa Hanʼguk chisŏngdŭl.Sun-myŏng Cho - 1997 - Sŏul: Hongikchae.
    재야지도자이자 한국의 정신적인 지도자였던 고 함석 헌 선생과 장준하 등 한국 지성인들과의 만남을 소개 했다.
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    Han'guk chonggyo munhwa sok ŭi kuwŏn kwa ch'iyu: chugŭm ihae wa yŏngsaeng ch'ugu ŭi yŏngsŏng.Ch'ang-mo Kim - 2009 - Sŏul-si: Handŭl Ch'ulp'ansa.
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    Segye sok ŭi Hanʼguk yejŏl.Chŏng-gi Sŏ - 2004 - Sŏul-si: Sallimtʻŏ.
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    Han'guk Sŏngnihak sok ŭi simhak =.Se-jŏng Kim - 2015 - Sŏul-si: Yemun Sŏwŏn.
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  20. Hanʼguk sahoe sok esŏŭi inʼgan kwa kŭ sam.Kwang-jo Sŏ - 1992 - Sŏul: Chayu Chʻulpʻansa.
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    Segye sok ŭi Hanʼguk yupʻung.Chŏng-gi Sŏ - 2006 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Hanʼguk Haksul Chŏngbo.
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  22. Segye sok ŭi Hanʼguk Yugyo.Chŏng-gi Sŏ - 2003 - Sŏul-si: Sallimtʻŏ.
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    Ham Sŏk-hŏn kwa Wang Yang-myŏng kŭrigo onŭl ŭi Han'guk sahoe.Chong-il Kang (ed.) - 2020 - Sŏul-si: Tongyŏn.
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  24. Segye sok ŭi Hanʼguk chŏngsin.Chŏng-gi Sŏ - 1988 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Songsan Chʻulpʻansa.
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  25. (1 other version)Yŏksa sok ŭi Han'guk ch'ŏrhak.Chong-sŏng Yi - 2017 - Taejŏn Kwangyŏksi: Ch'ungnam Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'an Munhwawŏn.
    1. Tan'gun sinhwa ŭi wŏnhyŏngjŏk segyegwan kwa p'ungnyu chŏngsin -- 2. Wŏnhyo ŭi hwajaeng sasang kwa muaehaeng ŭi silch'ŏn -- 3. Ŭisang ŭi 'Hwaŏm ilsŭng pŏpkyedo' e nat'anan Hwaŏm sasang -- 4. Chinul ŭi Tono chŏmsu wa Chŏnghye ssangsu sasang -- 5. Sambong Chŏng To-jŏn ŭi Pulgyo paech'ŏk ŭi naeyong kwa sŏngkyŏk -- 6. T'oegye Yi Hwang ŭi ch'ŏrhakchŏk ipchang kwa 'Kyŏng' sasang -- 7. Kobong Ki Tae-sŭng ŭi hangmun chŏngsin kwa ch'ŏrhak sasang -- 8. Ugye Sŏng Hon ŭi Tohakchŏk (...)
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    Munhwa rŭl ponŭn tu kae ŭi sisŏn, uaham kwa chŏsok ham: pyŏnhwa hanŭn segye rŭl t'ongch'al hanŭn him.Chin-gyŏng Pak - 2020 - [Kyŏnggi-do Yongin-si]: Saera Ŭi Sup.
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    Chŏhangin Ham Sŏk-hŏn p'yŏngjŏn: 'ssaunŭn p'yŏnghwajuŭija' Ham Sŏk-hŏn ŭi kŏdae han saengae wa sasang.Sam-ung Kim - 2013 - Sŏul-si: Hyŏnamsa.
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    On the Formative Elements of the Spiral View of History in Ham’s Ssial Thought.Kyoung-Jae Kim - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:351-357.
    The metaphorical understanding of historical movement as spiral is due to the symbolism of the spiral. Spiral is the geometric pattern to depict a self-accumulative growth of energy or life force. For Ham, history neither reiterates “the eternal return” to the primal archetype nor generates “the unilateral straight move of teleology. If history is a living move, it should follow the basic principle of life evolution as all the living experiences the gradual and yet creative advance by long accumulative changes. (...)
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    Kamdong ch'ŏrhak uri iyagi sok e sumta: chŏllae tonghwa wa sinhwa esŏ kirŏ onŭn Han'guk ŭi simch'ŭng ch'ŏrhak.Pyŏng-nyŏl Yun - 2009 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Idam Books.
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    Yuhakcha ŭi sŏngchʻal: Hanʼguk munhwa sok ŭi ponwŏn chʻŏrhak tʻamsaek.Sa-sun Yun - 2007 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Nanam Chʻulpʻan.
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    Ch'ŏŭm ingnŭn Han'guk Hyŏndae ch'ŏrhak: Tonghak esŏ Ham Sŏk-hŏn kkaji, uri ch'ŏrhak ŭi chŏngch'esŏng ch'atki.Pyŏng-T'ae Yi (ed.) - 2015 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Tongnyŏk..
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    The Philosophy of HAM, Seok Heon as an Encounter of the Eastern and Western Cultures.Jaesoon Park - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:525-557.
    The purpose of this essay is to identify the characters of Ham's philosophy that have been formed through the historical process of the encounter between the Eastern and Western civilizations. Views of the academics on Ham have been divided in two; those who regard Ham as a philosopher characterizing oriental Korean cultural thought, and those who see him with the characteristics of Christianity and Western modern cultural thought. In this essay I will show that Ham formed an integrated thought which (...)
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  33. Ham Sŏk-hŏn: Minjungjuŭi chŏngch'i ch'ŏrhak kwa hyŏndae munmyŏng pip'an.Yi Sang-nok - 2019 - In Chŏng-in Kang (ed.), Inmul ro ingnŭn hyŏndae Han'guk chŏngch'i sasang ŭi hŭrŭm: haebang ihu put'ŏ 1980-yŏndae kkaji. Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Ak'anet.
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    Wittgenstein and Norway.Kjell S. Johannessen (ed.) - 1994 - Oslo: Solum Press.
    Knut Olav Almås. Solum, 1994. 295 s. ISBN 82-560-0936-5 Den østerrrikske filosofen Wittgenstein var ikke bare opptatt av den norske vestlandsnaturen, men også fascinert av menneskene som levde der. Denne bio-grafien om ham har hans forhold til Norge som hovedtema. Her har en sett på hans bakgrunn for gjentatte Norges-besøk, og dokumentert hans relasjoner tilSkjolden-bygda i Sognefjorden. Her kan en presentere en rekke korrespondansemed mennesker fra Skjolden, alt for å kaste lys over Wittgenstein som både filosof og person. Det norske (...)
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  35. Integrationality(誠): A Metaphysical Basis for the Concept of Causation.Daihyun Chung - 2016 - In Kihyeon Kim (ed.), Philosophical Analysis 17 (1). The Korean Society of Analytic Philosophy. pp. 1-20.
    Philosophers of dispositionalism deny the Humean account of causality in terms of constant conjunction, contiguity, temporal priority and contingency. And some of them go further to explain the causal relation not between events or objects, but between properties, in terms of reciprocity, simultaneity, ubiquity, intentionality and holism. But their exposition seems to remain fragmented even though they try to make use of the notions of intentionality and holim. I would inquire reasons why it is piecemeal, by analysing that they employ (...)
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  36. Foucault’s Critical Project: Between the Transcendental and the Historical, tr.Béatrice Han - 2002 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book uncovers and explores the constant tension between the historical and the transcendental that lies at the heart of Michel Foucault’s work. In the process, it also assesses the philosophical foundations of his thought by examining his theoretical borrowings from Kant, Nietzsche, and Heidegger, who each provided him with tools to critically rethink the status of the transcendental. Given Foucault’s constant focus on the (Kantian) question of the possibility for knowledge, the author argues that his philosophical itinerary can be (...)
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  37. Frigørelsesfilosofi.Enrique Dussel & Asger Sørensen (eds.) - 2008 - København: Politisk Revy.
    Et uventet og uformodet bidrag og introduktion til en filosofisk forståelse af den nye globaliserede verdensorden, der kommer fra et nyt sted i denne vores globaliserede verden: Mexiko. Ny og ukendt i hvert fald i en dansk sammenhæng – hverken vores stats- eller udenrigsminister har garanteret hørt om Enrique Dussel før. -/- Forfatteren forholder sig eksplicit til en europæisk filosofisk tradition, men udbygger en egensindig forståelse af både filosofi og dens anvendelse i enmoderne verdensorden – netop på baggrund af en (...)
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    Ŭmak kwa p'eminijŭm =.Ŭn-gi Min - 2022 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Ŭmak Segye.
    1-pu. Ŭmak kwa yŏsŏng -- 1. Wae widaehan ŭmakka nŭn modu namsŏng in'ga? -- 2. Ŭmakchŏk kabujangje -- 3. Ch'angjak hwaltong esŏŭi yŏsŏng sooe -- 4. Yŏsŏng ŭmakka ŭi sŏng yŏkhal -- 5. Ŭmak kyoyuk esŏŭi sŏng ch'abyŏl -- 6. Widaehan yŏsŏng ŭmakka ŭi t'ansaeng ŭl wihayŏ -- 2-pu. Ŭmak sok ŭi yŏsŏng -- 1. Ŭmak chakp'um esŏŭi namsŏng kwa yŏsŏng -- 2. Ŭmak esŏ kulchŏl toen yŏsŏng imiji -- 3. Ŭmak sok ŭi yŏngung kwa ch'angnyŏ ŭi yŏkhal -- 4. (...)
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    Theophrastus against the Presocratics and Plato: peripatetic dialectic in the De sensibus.Han Baltussen - 2000 - Boston: Brill.
    This study offers a new and stimulating interpretation of Theophrastus' "De sensibus, a treatise unique in content and method, as it reports and criticizes the ...
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  40. Phase Locking of Single Neuron Activity to Theta Oscillations during Working Memory in Monkey Extrastriate Visual Cortex.Han Lee & Gregory V. Simpson - 2005 - Neuron 45:147-156.
    activity” has been considered to play a major role in the short-term maintenance of memories. Many studies since then have provided support for this view and greatly advanced our knowledge of the effects of stimulus type and modality on delay activity and its temporal dynamics. In humans, working memory has also been a subject of intense investigation using scalp and intracranial electroencephalography as well as magnetoencephalography, which provide estimates of local population activity. The published findings include reports of systematic changes (...)
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  41. Tot zover.Han Entzinger - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Locke’s Ideas of Mind and Body.Han-Kyul Kim - 2018 - London and New York: Routledge.
    This book begins with a survey of various readings of Locke as a materialist, as a substance dualist, and as a property dualist, and demonstrates that these inconsistent interpretations result from a general failure of modern commentators to notice the significance of Locke’s ‘mind-body nominalism’. By illuminating this largely overlooked aspect of Locke’s philosophy, this book reveals a common mistake of previous interpretations: that of treating what Locke conceives to be ‘nominal’ as real. The nominal symmetry that Locke posits between (...)
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  43. Taking lessons from Lao.Han Fei - 2009 - In Thomas F. Cleary (ed.), The way of the world: readings in Chinese philosophy. Boston: Shambhala.
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    Menneske og jord.Ludwig Klages - 2014 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 70:27-46.
    Tysk, kulturkritisk reaktionær livsfilosof. Til hans pantheon af inspirationertæller særligt Goethe, Nietzsche og Bachofen. Som ung blev Klages kendt som psykologisk og grafologisk teoretiker og var centralt medlem af den litterære og kunstneriske kreds omkring digteren Stefan Georges i München. Han havde studeret kemi og fysik i Leipzig og tog i München en doktorgrad i kemi, men komaldrig til at arbejde som kemiker. En akademisk karriere inden for psykologi eller filosofi forfulgte han heller ikke. I 1915 flyttede han til Schweiz (...)
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  45. Wei wu lun yü wei hsin lun.Han-Ping Liang - 1956
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    Aṣṭāṅgayōga.Cemmaṅṅāṭ Narasiṃhan - 2016 - Kozhikode, Keralam, India: Mātr̥bhūmi Buks.
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  47. Intelligent Computing in Bioinformatics-An Efficient Attribute Ordering Optimization in Bayesian Networks for Prognostic Modeling of the Metabolic Syndrome.Han-Saem Park & Sung-Bae Cho - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4115--381.
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    Social Tiansfonnation in China.Han Qingxiang - 2002 - Modern Philosophy 3:003.
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    Den erkendelsesteoretiske konflikt mellem den transcendental-filosofiske idealisme og teologien.K. E. Løgstrup - 1942 - København,: Samlerens forlag.
    K.E. Løgstrups disputats fra 1942 – nu i revideret udgave med Løgstrups senere tilføjelser og rettelser. Redaktion og efterskrift ved Kees van Kooten Niekerk. Den transcendentalfilosofiske Problemstillings Forstaaelse af Livet i sig selv som formløst og skikkelsesløst deler Teologien ikke. Den jødisk-kristne Livsforstaaelse er den modsatte: at Livet er noget bestemt, før og uanset den Skikkelse det vinder i Kulturen. Menneskelivet er ikke først og ikke udelukkende Kultur-Liv. I Israels Tro og i Jesu Forkyndelse er Livet i sig selv, uanset (...)
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    Peber, ingefær, nelliker og muskatnød: Koloniale materialer og naturhistorisk ekspertise i Antoni van Leeuwenhoeks mikroskopiske observationer.Christoffer Basse Eriksen - forthcoming - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie.
    I takt med at det naturhistoriske vidensideal i løbet af 1600-tallet i højere grad blev knyttet til observationer, eksperimenter og andre former for direkte kontakt med naturens fænomener, fremkom den naturhistoriske ekspert som en vigtig videnskabelig aktør. I denne artikel viser jeg, hvordan den hollandske mikroskopist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek indgik som ekspert i to umiddelbart væsensforskellige netværk, nemlig det engelske videnskabelige selskab Royal Society og det Nederlandske Ostindiske Handelskompagni (VOC). Hvor Royal Society havde som sit erklærede formål at skabe ny, (...)
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